As we build Techne UK, we will be undertaking regular public policy discussion and research and have a proven track-record in policy development, analysis and economic modelling across the European Union. We are now bringing our consulting, policy research expertise and insights here to the UK.

“Our Techne UK team can support you to achieve your strategic goals both here in the UK — but also across Europe too”
We are very conscious here at Techne UK that Brexit offers new and exciting opportunities for our UK clients – both for businesses and individuals alike – which have not previously existed.
A key specialism of Techne UK is our in-depth group of European contacts and partners, both through our established expertise at our sister company Tecnè Italia, but also across a significant pan-European network developed over many years.
For every door that Brexit may have closed, many more doors have opened — and we offer a complete package of professional, technical and research expertise to maximise these opportunities – both from our London office at Portman House, or indeed our sister offices across Italy and the European Union.

For the first time in decades, the North of England and devolved countries of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland find themselves at the very heart of Government political strategy and policy making.
The so-called ‘levelling up’ agenda seeks to ‘rebalance’ the United Kingdom in a way which has never been attempted and as a result, opportunities for Northern and devolved voices to be heard are unprecedented.
The Governing party has it seems a new-found love for devolution and in their high-profile Mayoral successes particularly in Birmingham and the Northeast there is no doubt a clear push to further develop local leadership in order to deliver recognisable and sustainable ‘on-the-ground’ change.
In the years ahead the Scottish clamour for independence in some quarters will not abate and given the great complexities of Brexit, issues facing Northern Ireland will continue to be challenging and as such remain centre stage.
Techne UK is perfectly placed to help support organisations and individuals across the North and devolved countries in what is such a politically crucial time for all these communities.

There has never been as much focus on the importance of mitigating the impact of climate change and demonstrating you and your business are delivering on green ambitions and working towards net zero.
Our Climate Change Sustainability Team will work with you to show what will make a difference, establish how to achieve that and demonstrate, through data, the impact it is having.
More than ever, governments and businesses need to not only understand the fears and expectations of their citizens and customers, but need to act on them and work positively together to deliver the meaningful and sustainable change that is urgently required.
We understand, given the vast array of new legislation coming forward, it is not always possible for organisations and individuals to enact the required sustainability improvements without focused external advice and support. Our highly experienced team will give you the insights, direction and confidence, which will support you and your organisation to become more sustainable following the COP26 meeting in Glasgow.
Let Techne UK help you to achieve fairer workplaces, more caring societies, and a cleaner greener future for all.